A Lighthouse Project
A lighthouse initiative is a “container” of coordinated projects coming from different programmes working towards common goals. They aim is to give Europe differentiating factors to compete in the next generation of integrated solutions for electronic components and systems by engaging all the needed actors in the value chain and by connecting projects from different European programs like ECSEL JU, H2020, PPPs, Eureka, etc. The ECSEL POSITION-II initiative is the so called start or corner stone project for the Health.E lighthouse to which other projects like ULIMPIA will be added.
Health.E will stimulate the development of open technology platforms and standards for medical devices and systems, thereby moving away from the inflexible and costly point solutions that presently dominate electronic medical device manufacturing. Open technology platforms, supported by roadmaps, will generate the production volumes needed for sustained technology development, resulting in new and better solutions in the healthcare domain. In this way Health.E will accelerate innovation along the whole medical instrument supply chain.
Healt.E will:
initiatives to work towards open technology platforms and standards for medical devices
the needs of medtech and pharma into ECS opportunities
the lighthouse initiative roadmap
to European initiatives and relevant communities